Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Alarming (2009)
This was a piece I made in photography class. I printed multiple copies of the same picture and cut them to create the multiple patterns. Photoshop was used only to make multiple sizes of the alarm. Mixed media.

X's and O's (2009)
This was an assignment for my photography class. I photographed and developed the images in the darkroom myself. The effects you see here, given to each image, were all created using darkroom effects. 


Rocks in the Water (2010)
I went down to my local pond one day to take pictures. I really loved this image, and wanted to represent it in a style reminiscent of the Group of Seven. Oils on canvas.

Self Portrait (2010)

Baby Sister (2010)
The assignment for this piece was to randomly pick a memory that a classmate had written down. The memory I picked was of somebody meeting their baby sister for the first time. We had to recreate the memory in a cubist fashion. Oils on wood.

Computer Graphics

Many of the following images were files I created for my school's yearbook.

Adobe Illustrator files - the bottom right graphic was chosen to be used for every sports page. The colours are formatted to be editable, so the colours were different for each page.

Adobe Indesign file for the Athletic Council page. Note this is a screencap, I couldn't upload the .indd file itself. I did everything - made the background, cropped the people, made the vector jerseys, etc.

Adobe Illustrator. Bigger version of the jersey seen in the Athletic Council page (above)

Adobe Indesign. It was not my choice to use pictures in every blank spot, but I made the overall framework of the page. And the golf ball.

Adobe Photoshop. Happy golf ball, seen in Athletic Banquet page (above)

Adobe Indesign. The page I created for myself, because I was one of the editors of the yearbook.

Adobe Photoshop. Mixture of pop culture imagery.

Mixed Media

Owen and Mzee (2010)
This piece depicts the hippo Owen with his best friend Mzee. It is based on the real life story of an orphaned hippo who was brought to a wildlife reserve. He and Mzee soon became best friends, even though Mzee’s species of turtle is known to be very isolated. It is an abstract watercolour collage.

Flight (2010)
This piece represents freedom. The bird escapes the confines of the canvas, and as it does so, the painting style which represents it becomes looser and looser. I made the structure of the bird with wire, and stuffed it with cotton balls before covering the outside with paper mache. The branch is real – it is attached to the frame of the canvas. Acrylic, mixed media on canvas.

Barcodes (2009)
This piece represents how, in the slave trade, people are treated as objects for sale. Plaster of Paris was used to cast the hands, and Photoshop was used to create the image of the hands.


Polar Bear (2009)
After completing Mother and Child (under Acrylics section), I came to appreciate the majesty of polar bears. Pastel on paper.

A Rose (2009)
Still life of a rose – graphite on paper


Sunday on la Grande Jatte in 2050 (2009)
The goal of this piece is to raise environmental awareness. I took the well known George Seurat piece, Sunday on la Grande Jatte, and represented the same scene 40 years in the future. The scene depicts what our world could look like in 2050 if we continue to treat it the way we do. The contrast between this piece and the original piece is what I believe gets the intended message through. Acrylics on canvas.

Mother and Child (2009)
This piece is about environmental awareness – specifically, about how our pollution is destroying the habitats of these beautiful creatures. Acrylic on canvas.

Sunny (2008)
The assignment for this piece was to pick a black and white photo, and give it colour using a Romanticist style. Acrylics on canvas.